THE TRIFECTA OF LOSERDOM! - Progressive Eruptions Style

1994 was almost 20 years ago.  Is it possible that Willard, who was a grown, adult man at the time he said he would be better on gay rights than Ted Kennedy--is it possible for him to have a 180 degree change in that period of time? 

If someone had a change in thinking on gay rights, it would be logical that a mature person would change in the direction of being pro-civil rights for gays.  Normal, thinking people understand that equal protection under our Constitution is guaranteed.  How could Willard go from believing in a fundamental right guaranteed under the Constitution for everyone to NOT believing in it?

Here's what Willard said after a California judge determined that Prop 8, voted on in 2008, was unConstitutional:

"Today, unelected judges cast aside the will of the people of California who voted to protect traditional marriage," Romney said following the decision. "This decision does not end this fight, and I expect it to go to the Supreme Court. That prospect underscores the vital importance of this election and the movement to preserve our values. I believe marriage is between a man and a woman, and, as president, I will protect traditional marriage and appoint judges who interpret the Constitution as it is written and not according to their own policies and prejudices."
February 7, 2012 4:46 PM

Could Willard's change of heart have anything to do with pandering to the koo-koo barley crazies on the right?  The people who want the government to force girls and women to carry pregnancies under all circumstances? 

The people who approve of state sponsored penetration of girls and women's vaginas? 

The people who think prayer [Christian prayer, of course] in school should be reinstated? 

The people who believe President Obama wants to make it easier for students to get a college education so that they will attend university and lose their religon? 

The people who believe torture is a lawful and all-American way to get captives to give up information? 

The people who want to shut down poor and underinsured girls' and women's access to medical screenings for life-threatening diseases? 

The people who won't buy Girl Scout cookies because they promote abortions, homosexuality, and Communism? 

Those people? 

And anyone who reads this litany of conservative beliefs only has to do a little research on the internet to find out--to their jaw-dropping horror--that large numbers of conservatives are hoping to vote President Obama out of office in order to place in the White House a guy who will help them reach conservative boiled-brain nirvana by depriving whole populations of Americans their right to live as equals with their fellow citizens and by inserting the government into the most private and personal decisions Americans make in their lifetimes. 

In the year of 2012 C.E., a large number of people who vote believe all of the above, support people like Willard, Ricky, Newt, [and, at one time, Bachmann, Perry, Cain, and Palin], and those same people believe any of them would make or would have made a terrific preznit.

That is the modern GOP--the party that has embraced not just mold-warped policies and beef-witted ideas, but a  culture of paranoia, victimhood, and anti-intellectualism. 

The trifecta of Loserdom!
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