APE and San Francisco Recap - Progressive Eruptions Style

San Francisco was beautiful as always! The weather was perfect this time around. APE was so much fun this year, I thought it was my 4th consecutive year but Jon Vermilyea told me it's my 5th?? I am completely losing track. APE is always awesome and I don't think I will ever stop exhibiting. Here is my recap of the trip, photo diary style:

I had the pleasure of hosting two lovely young ladies this time around. Pictured here are my friends Jess and Diana on top of a hill.

We got tacos at one of my all time favorite Mexican places, El Metate in Potrero/Mission area.

Here is Jon and Hilary playing some pinball at the Lasp Gasp warehouse.

Jess and Diana help me set up my table!

Post-APE dim sum with my ladies!

I did really well at APE! I sold out every advanced copy I brought of my new "don't follow me." I will have more copies available next weekend at Whitney Museum's very own Zine Day(!) as well as Brooklyn Comics and Graphics Fest coming up in December in Brooklyn, NY.
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