Joannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart, January 27, 1756 - December 5, 1791 - Progressive Eruptions Style

219 years ago today, the supreme genius of music, Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart died at the age of 35, leaving the world too soon, but leaving us with over 600 works.

I have so many favorites--among them, his operas, concerti, symphonies, divertimenti, incidental music, etc. 

Last Friday afternoon, I was at a performance by the Boston Symphony Orchestra where I heard his sublime violin concerto #3 performed by the astounding Nikolaij Znaider.  

Here is the last piece of music he worked on, but did not finish, the terrifyingly beautiful "Requiem."

These two movements "Confutatis Maledictus" and "Lacrimosa" are two of the most compelling pieces from that work, and are fitting to commemorate Mozart's genius. 

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