THE FAKE WAR ON CHRISTMAS - Progressive Eruptions Style

Like dutiful little parrots, a number of right-leaning bloggers are repeating the FAUX NOOZ talking points about a "war on Christmas."  Of course the only war being waged is the one  being fought by FAUX NOOZ and its viewers against rationality and sanity.  I took one sample from the blogsphere of this manufactured angst and posted it here:

"Why is it that whenever we chose to be Happy and Merry and to Celebrate, the Liberal Atheists follow right behind to do whatever the alternative may be?"

Hmmm.  I wonder if conservative atheists do whatever the alternative may be.

"Are they that stuck in their lonely cocoon of stupidity where as they can’t even leave a believer do what they please too?"

Good question, blogger. Actually what exactly IS the question? It is impossible to determine what thought you are trying to dislodge from the obviously constricted axons and dendrites populating the cacoon that houses your brain. 

"We already have bent down to their demands and have lessened the joy of Christmas..."

How is it lessening the "joy of Christmas" when I'm forced to listen to "Joy to the World, the Lord is Come!" starting the day after Halloween as I'm shopping in my local pharmacy and bending down to grab a bottle of TUMS? 

"...the department stores can no longer post Merry Christmas signs, and they even want to take away our Merry Christmas greeting to one another."

See the TUMS answer above.  And as yet, I haven't seen any citizen being dragged off to jail for wishing a fellow citizen "Merry Christmas." 

"How much longer will we pander to these selfish groups? Not believing in the existence of God, any Gods is ok with me as long as they don’t stop me or try to stop me or others like me form doing whatever I please."

Well look pal, no one is stopping you from forming unfounded, paranoid claims about the non-existent plot to ruin Christmas for you or anyone.  But by Bacchus! I wish they would!

 "Yet our President seems to jump at the chance to celebrate Ramadan every opportunity he gets."

Oh goodie, here's the "I-resent-the-president-acknowledging-that other-religions-exist-in-America" part of this excellent whine.  Conservative Republican President George W. Bush instituted the Ramadan celebrations when he became president, and held one every year for the 8 years he was in office.  However, I admit I have no memory of Mr. Bush jumping during the celebrations. 

"Obama and others like him including New York’s Mayor Bloomberg pander to Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf more then to the average God loving American."

Oh I think Mr. Obama has pandered to the average God loving American.  For example,  recently President Obama met and tried to find common ground with  the soon to be "Weeper of the House," John Boehner--you can't get any more average than that. 

"What’s with that? And this trend is growing faster than any other."

Actually, I believe expanding waistlines is the fastest growing trend in America. 

"Atheists in America are becoming more demanding and more assertive in their demands every year."

Oh those pushy uppity assertive non-believing Americans! And what about what Mr. Obama said in his inaugural address? The Muslim-loving Socialist, Commie, Fascist, Marxist, arugula-eating Kenyan acknowledged that atheists exist in America! What's up with that?  Doesn't the president know that people who don't believe in gods should be burned at the stake or at the very least have a hot poker shoved up their anit-American arses--y'know, like they did in the good ole days of the Inquisition when people were murdered for not being the right sort of god-fearing Christian.

"While the typical citizens demands are shut out as fast as they are heard. This has become a sad state of affairs. And after all, who are the majority?"

In the near future, the typical majority won't be you, amigo.  The typical majority will probably be someone named Maria Dolores Gonzales.  Hola! 

"I think that the only way to put and end to this insanity is to stop electing liberal politicians that cowtail to the Atheists. What has happened to our right to believe in any religion?"

We athiests demand not only more cowtail, but more cowbell!

"And yes I believe that “In God we Trust”should stay on our country's money. Who would have thought that this would even be an issue?"

Who knew?  But seriously, friend, this is an issue churning in your feverish brain, influenced by other misinformed but passionate numbnuts. 

"And I do believe in Prays in the schools if one wishes to. And I do believe in saying the Pledge in the schools. That should not ever be an issue. It grieves me and it bothers me that the question has even been raised and considered."

Listen, I believe in letting people Prays in the schools, too.  If you want to prays in school, you prays in school--just prays to yourself. 
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