"Another Dimension" opens this week! - Progressive Eruptions Style
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Opening this Thursday at Gallery1988 in LA, "Another Dimension" featuring artwork inspired by the classic sci-fi TV series, "The Twilight Zone"

Opening Reception: May 20th, 7-10PM
7020 Melrose Ave,
Los Angeles, CA 90038

I spent a couple of days marathoning the original Twilight Zone series and painted two new pieces for the show, drawing influence from two specific episodes: "People Are Alike All Over" (S1, EP 25) and "The Lonely" (S1, EP 7)

Some of my other favorite Twilight Zone episodes are "Time Enough At Last", "A Stop at Willoughby", "The Invaders", "Long Live Walter Jameson", "Execution", "A Nice Place To Visit", "A World Of His Own"... and so many others!!

Here's one the pieces I painted for the show-

"the lonely" oil on Gessobord, 11"x14"
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